

My experience is that most of my referrals across all ages over the last 4-5 years are for anxiety. People come not really knowing how they are except that they feel a vague and often overwhelming sense of anxiety. This manifests itself in panic attacks or low mood or a loss of confidence. This is not only to do with the person, but is a reflection of what is happening in our families, our work settings, and our society. What I help them do is tease out the nature of what they are experiencing, to take their experience seriously and to come to an understanding not only of their anxiety but also how this anxiety is to do with their relationship with their thinking and feeling and with all the contexts in which they live. My aim is to restore a sense of agency to people, a belief that they are able to choose how they relate to such anxieties and can act to regain control over their lives. People come to me and say that they have no headspace to think.  Due to my roles as consultant and therapist, I can engage with people about whatever aspects of their lives are causing anxiety..

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